5 Ways to prepare your Temp Agency for 2023

5 Ways to prepare your Temp Agency for 2023

As the New Year begins, now is the best time for many agencies to review last year, and plan how to get 2023 off to the best start. Last year we have seen many new trends in the recruitment industry, and with this in mind, we wanted to give you the best start to the new year with our top tips for 2023.


As we have seen in the past few years, especially since the pandemic, technology has become a key factor in how successful recruiters are in the industry. However, we have seen many recruiters failing at investing in any technology that comes along. The best way to harness new technology is by investing in ways to improve your recruitment process so you can get back to doing what you do best.

For example, our e-Sign technology allows recruiters to seamlessly get registration and induction documents from candidates, digitally, securely and a lot quicker than paper forms.

Recruitment automation

Around 72% of employers predict that elements of their talent acquisition will be automated within the next decade (CareerBuilder). Finding new ways to automate your recruitment process will allow you to focus on placing the best candidates for new roles, rather than wasting too much time on admin.

If you haven’t already, some new ways you can enhance your recruitment automation are:

  • Update candidates from passive to active candidates in your system.
  • Interviews – Sending emails and follow-up reminders can be automated to save so much time. If you want more, we have 10 free email templates for temporary recruiters here >
  • Add a note to candidates’ records – If a candidate has been inactive for so long, have an automated email to follow up with them.

Focusing more on Gen Z entering the workforce

As more and more Gen Z are entering the workforce in junior-level roles, they will expect your recruitment process to be fast-paced and virtual. This generation has been brought up with technology right at their fingertips, so any outdated methods will be a huge turn-off for them.

Ensure your recruitment process is not only up-to-date but that your online presence is up to scratch, including a mobile optimised application process. Back in 2020 Gen Z made up 20% of the UK job market (Baltic Apprenticeships) and is steadily increasing year on year. Before they become the majority of the job market, it’s essential to get ahead and focus on what this generation is looking for when applying for a job, such as sick leave, competitive wages, and generous holiday allowances.

Social media

Like last year, social media is still as important as ever and a major strategy you should take into 2023. We all know that LinkedIn for recruitment can be like a gold mine if you use it right, but new platforms over the past couple of years are bringing new ways recruiters can target candidates.

Tiktok became popular during the pandemic, and now companies are harnessing its popularity to promote their business, and company culture. This platform is expanding its non-entertainment content segment and recruiters are starting to use this platform to recruit in new creative ways.

Engage your candidate pipeline

Essentially a clean pipeline offers many opportunities. Those recruiters with their pipelines up-to-date have a better chance to find the right candidates for the best roles. This is easier said than done.

One thing you should do if you haven’t already used is our 5-step framework to reactivate former candidates. The recruiting world is competitive, so we have created the perfect template for you to generate more candidates from your existing pipeline! Download yours free here >

If you are tech-savvy about it, you can make sure that 2023 will be another great year for your temporary recruitment business. It is better to keep up with technology, rather than try to scramble to catch up with it, so make sure you are making changes now to your processes in order to make sure you are prepared.


Reactivate Your Former Candidates

& hire 40% more candidates in 5 easy steps...

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