Drag, Drop & Filter Shifts With Ease

When a shift needs fulfilling it appears in open requirements so the recruiter can simply drag and drop shifts to available candidates. Open shifts, booked shifts and to be published shifts are all colour coded in your shift manager calendar so outstanding shifts can be actioned quickly.


Easy Shift Duplication

The easy to use shift manager system allows agencies to simply swap shifts and duplicate shifts for candidates at the click of a button. This saves so much admin time which in turn helps place candidates much quicker.


Filter Candidate Availability

Candidates can update their availability within your own branded app. They can select availability by am, pm and certain days of the week so agencies can narrow down which candidates are available for a specific role, which is viewable in their shift calendar view.


All-in-one shift management to save time & place more candidates

Call us on 01325 633 287 or email sales@mobilerocket.co.uk


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