Job Alerts On The Move

Reach candidates who might otherwise miss emails, or might not be registered with your agency. Push notifications allows your recruitment agency to extend your reach and target a much wider audience than you would typically reach without a mobile app.


Push Messages To Job Alerts

When a new job is available you can send a push notification to anyone who has downloaded your app, targeting the right candidates for the role you are recruiting for, which in turn speeds up your recruitment process.


1 To 1 Messages To Specific Candidates

Reach specific candidates with notifications about requesting a document, a shift, a job you think they might be suitable for, or to request a call when they are available. 1 to 1 messages allow your agency to target key candidates with ease.


Manage all your candidates in one simple app system to save time!

Call us on 01325 633 287 or email


Beat The Candidate Shortage

Hire up to 40% more candidates in 5 easy steps...