29th Oct 2021

What does Generation Z mean for recruitment?

What does Generation Z mean for recruitment?

Temporary recruiters have a tough challenge, to place qualified candidates into roles quickly. To be successful as a temporary recruiter you must not only have a quick and efficient recruitment process so you can stay ahead of the high industry competition, but you should look at who your prime target candidates are and where they will be.

The term Generation Z means those who were born between 1997 and 2012 (approximately). Today the oldest members are those who are leaving education and generally make up the main population of workers that temp recruiters are targeting, those along with millennials (Born 1981-1996 approx.).

What does this mean for recruiters?

With this in mind, it’s important to take into consideration that Generation Z have been brought up with technology, meaning they are most likely to use it in their everyday lives. Recruiters need to ditch the old school ways to recruit candidates for temporary roles, 98% of Gen Z and millennials own a smartphone who make up the majority of the job market. They going to use their smart devices to search and apply for jobs because it’s the most convenient way.

The impact of the pandemic has accelerated the way recruiters register candidates. Technology plays a huge part in the registration process in order not to only save time for the recruiter, but to adhere to the growing candidate market trend.

What else does Gen Z & Millennials bring to the recruitment market?

More demand for flexibility – Gen Z workers are 13% more likely to stay in their current roles if they are offered remote opportunities (REC). If we look at this from a temporary job point of view, these will appeal to Gen Z and Millennials more because the flexibility to choose what shifts they work proves to be ideal for them.

How can you keep ahead of this trend?

As the digital native job market grows, so does Rocket Recruit. We help temporary recruiters essentially save more time and place more candidates with an evolved e-Registration, online timesheets and app platform encompassed into one simple to use system.

We can’t personally find and place candidates for you, but we strive to help you with the whole recruiting process. Take a look around, we have plenty of features to offer recruiters and are happy to show you through a free demonstration of our full system.

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