13th Oct 2021

4 biggest challenges recruiters face right now

4 biggest challenges recruiters face right now

In a time where covid is finally becoming a thing of the past, furlough finishing and a candidate shortage, what are the biggest challenges recruiters are facing as we head towards the end of 2021?

Lack of quality applications

There are a number of reasons why your jobs lack quality applications:

  • Poorly written job ads
  • Poor job ad targeting
  • Your recruiting process is taking too long
  • Complicated application process
  • You’re not going after passive candidates

According to REC, more than 40% of recruiters spend time sifting through wrong candidates for the job. If your job ads aren’t receiving the right candidates, this will make your recruitment process longer which will in the long term cost more. If, like many other recruiters, you are suffering from a lack of quality applications, take a step back and work through the list above to find where you can improve.

Skill shortages

The National Statistics (ONS) said that there are been a record leap in job vacancies, estimated to be up by nearly 1.2m in September where as unemployment has fallen down to 4.5% between June and August, down from 4.6%.

On the back of furlough ending and people going to back to or finding new jobs, there has still been a struggle for some companies to find the right candidates. A survey from the ONS of over 2000 recruiters in the UK say over 36% said they had not been able to expand because they could not find enough appropriately skilled people.

To tackle this the government has been recommended to extend training funding to those looking to reskill, not just upskill, which will help meet the rapidly changing needs of firms in the region.

If you want to find out more about the candidate shortage, read more here >

Company changes

Since covid, many agencies are facing closure or downsizing to accompany the new industry trends which varies depending on which sector you are in.

73% of recruiter decision-makers said that covid will result in more UK businesses downsizing to smaller office spaces in the coming months and 37% are planning to relocate to a smaller commercial space themselves.

Struggling to save time

A recruiters job is never done and it’s taking too much of your consultants time to place candidates, when they could be out finding more candidates. As the pandemic showed us, the recruitment industry has changed for good, those recruiters who continue to use outdated processes such as paper pushing won’t survive in a highly competitive industry.

So, to save time recruiters must look at the following:

  • Reduce training time
  • Find the right candidates for the job quickly
  • Deal with all the admin work

Saving time is crucial when you are in the temp recruitment industry, the candidate turnover is high so you need to be able to have a slick process. This is why we have introduced Rocket Recruit, your seamless recruitment technology that will help you save time and place more candidates. Discover our e-Registration, online timesheets and app technology by booking a free demo here.

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