Your All-In-One In-house
Temporary Recruitment Solution

Our aim is to save temporary recruitment agencies money and reduce their time spent on everyday admin. To make it as simple as it can be, we even offer free ongoing customer service & support.

    Trusted by Temporary Recruiters Across the UK

    Must have features to better temporary recruitment

    Register More Candidates With Our e-Reg Technology

    Register & induct candidates from any device, anywhere, at any time of day to automate your temporary recruitment process & save your agency time to fill more vacancies.

    Streamline Temporary Recruitment With A Mobile App

    Manage candidates through your own branded mobile app to get ahead in a highly competitive industry, with a remote and efficient registration and onboarding solution.

    Create Shifts In Minutes With Our Shift Manager Solution

    Reduce the need for spreadsheets, numerous calls, and manage your shift schedule from any device, anywhere, at any time.

    Save Time And Costs With Online Timesheets

    Candidates can clock in/ out and pause for breaks directly from their mobile device that will be sent to you and the client for quick approval.

    CRM to manage yourhiring success & reduce cost

    In one easy to use system, manage candidates, save time and access information on any device, anywhere. Link seamlessly and improve your existing process.

    Obtain references quickly and easily With Automated Reference Checks

    We understand that the temporary recruitment process can be stressful and time-consuming, so your software should be able to make it a whole lot easier.

    Customise Compliance For Legal Control

    Our compliance framework gives you control to set up and deliver on your legal requirements. Best practice gatekeeping of candidates ensures that only compliant candidates who meet specific criteria can be placed at work.

    “We are absolutely loving the system and cannot imagine any other way now! It’s been fundamental in creating a more efficient working pattern for us.”

    Aimee – Marketing Manager at Wizard Staff Solutions

    “Easy to set up forms compared to other companies out there and more cost effective. Timesaving was essential for us and this system helps us automate our recruitment process which is ideal for registering high volumes of candidates.”

    Jordan, Operations Manager