Push Notifications
Instant Alerts Whilst On The Move
Instantly reach employees who may miss emails. Attach forms, checklists, PDFs or weblinks to any message that you want to send out. Instant push notifications allows you as an employer to extend your reach and target a much wider audience than you would typically reach without a mobile app. Create different push notification groups for different clients, areas or times of work.

Instant Push Messages For New Job & Shift Alerts
Send direct messages to employees notifying them of new jobs which have been scheduled or shifts that need to be filled.

Direct 1 To 1 Messages To Individual Employees
Contact specific employees with notifications requesting a document, a form, a shift, or a job you think they might be suitable for, you can then request a call when they are available to speak. Direct 1 to 1 messages allow your company to target individual employees with ease.

Customers Who Use Us

“Mobile Rocket have done nothing but blown my mind at the niggles their tech has solved for our business. For us, they amalgamated several separate tech solutions we already had into one powerful app – and they are continuously developing based on your feedback. The team are genuinely invested in your business and the overall experience has been a personal and creative one.”
Katy Passmore, Passmore Cleaning Company
Discover the other features
of the App
Manage all your employees in one simple app system to save time!
Call us on 01325 633 287 or email sales@mobilerocket.co.uk